We could all do with some positive uplift right now - the cost of living has rocketed, our waiting times to see a doctor have lengthened, and our essential services are stretched to the limit. While all this is happening, it's easy to spiral into a state of worry and negativity, and we can feel even more anxious listening to the doom and gloom of mainstream media.

Photo by kind permission of Nicki & Chewie
While we have no absolute control over what life deals us, we can help ourselves from becoming overwhelmed and exhausted by our busy lives and today's economic challenges.
We know we should focus on our mental and physical health, but there's precious little time when juggling careers, school runs and running a busy household. The day-to-day routines of our lives can leave us depleted of energy or enthusiasm. Therefore, it's essential to disconnect from media overload and family commitments and take some time out for yourself.

Our psychological health can be adversely affected by negative media and press. Although we can't control what's happening externally, we can calm our minds through self-motivation, movement, and, more importantly, a little time for ourselves.
"Physical activity is one of the best ways to stay energized throughout the day and can improve mental health and sleep"
The joy of movement and meditation
Walking, swimming, and meditation can help us focus less on external stressors and allow our thinking to switch back to a happier, relaxed state.

Yoga, for instance, has been practised for years and has shown that it helps calm our nervous system. If you are a little out of shape and want physical activity to calm your mind and strengthen your body, Yogo is excellent - it helps rebalance you. The gentle stretching exercises and breathing techniques help reduce anxiety, promoting physical and mental well-being.
The benefits of walking
I've posted previously on the benefits of walking, but it's worth mentioning in this post that walking can help redirect your focus away from worries and stress. Try a thirty-minute walk each lunchtime, switch off your phone, and enjoy your surroundings - it's an inexpensive way to increase your overall fitness and joie de vivre.
Being alone is not the same as being lonely.
As part of your recreational time, try walking solo to appreciate your surroundings without distractions or a partner whose walking pace differs from yours. Sometimes being at one with yourself and nature is more beneficial than group activities.

Take on a new hobby, try different nutritional recipes, sign up for a Zumba or Yoga class, or start a new course - physical or mental challenges can help you relax, focus on the positives, and banish emotional overload and negative thinking.

Push up a few more of those Zzzs.
Too much negative news and less quality sleep can harm your health. Eight hours is the sweet spot for increasing your energy levels, and plenty of rest can help elevate your mood, sharpen your memory and help boost your immune system.

We are much more than a shop that sells soap and skincare - we have a fantastic range of aromatherapy products to help soothe your senses and calm your thoughts.
Try our aromatherapy Lavender Bath Salts.

Lavender is a delicious herb that helps increase relaxation and calm and brings about a night of more restful sleep.
Light one of our aromatherapy candles

Fill your home with the smooth and velvety fragrance of Orange and Cinnamon. The soothing properties of Cinnamon and Clove create feelings of contentment and relaxation.
To help you sleep, try our Lavender & Lemongrass candle or for an energising and invigorating boost of springtime fragrance, try our Grapefruit & Neroli candle.
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