You might think it sounds daft not to want fragrance in your everyday beauty products - we all want to smell nice, don't we? We are attracted to most products because they smell gorgeous, so how can some fragrances be harmful?
Not all fragrances are created equal.
What does the "fragrance" label mean? There is a vast difference between a product scented with essential oils and one infused with the vague term"fragrance" on the label.
Fragrances used in beauty products.
Fragrances and perfumes have been used for decades, but synthetic fragrances are a modern invention. Years ago, perfumes were made using natural plant and (sadly) animal ingredients. Who doesn't remember trying to make perfume out of rose petals? Today's perfumes are a cocktail of synthetic ingredients, and many of the elements are petroleum-based.

The fragrance industry is self-regulated, and companies aren't required to disclose the makeup of their generic "fragrance" formulas, as it's considered a trade secret. However, studies have shown that fragrance blends often contain over 600 ingredients, most of the chemicals you'd never want to ingest. These blends can cause many allergic reactions, including headaches, nausea, dizziness, coughing fits, and more.
How you can avoid synthetic fragrance
In the 1970s, products started to include added fragrance (which was marketed as a good thing); today, it is the norm. Fragrances are in cosmetics, health products, cleaning supplies – even products labelled "fragrance-free" often have an added fragrance to cover up the scent of the product's other ingredients! At this point, it is practically impossible to avoid fragranced products altogether.

All the ingredients are stated clearly on the labels in our soap and skincare collection. The only fragrance is from pure essential oils—just enough of the good stuff to smell excellent without being overpowering.
As with all new products - if you are switching brands, it's always wise to do a skin patch test first.
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