Soap has always been in plentiful supply until the last few weeks when our supermarket shelves seemed to be bare of many essential items, including soap! I have personally preferred using a lovely bar of a natural soap to high-level detergent liquid soaps, and with the shortage in the shops, it is nice to know we have our own brand at home.
Our Live Well soaps are vegan and cruelty-free (nothing tested on animals, only our family and friends) and the feedback from family and friends is that they love the lather rich bars and the non-drying effect of using our natural soaps.

Coronavirus and other viruses can be active outside the body for days, and we can transfer the virus through touching contaminated surfaces then moving to our eyes, nose or mouth. Ordinary soap (you don’t need antibacterial) works well on the coronavirus and most viruses.
This is because the virus is a nanoparticle in which the weakest link in the lipid (fatty) bilayer. Soap dissolves the fat membrane, and the virus becomes inactive. Hand gels and sanitisers are great as a back up when you cannot access soap and water, but soap is the first choice to kill those germs!

The humble bar of soap has made a big comeback recently as more of us move away from liquid soap.
We are incredibly proud that all the ingredients that go into making our natural soaps are from ethical, sustainable sources which consider the environment and are kind to our skin too (no nasty chemicals or artificial fragrances).
Our pretty packaging is manufactured in the UK using recycled cardboard, and this plus our other packaging and containers are 100% recyclable or compostable.
We aim to help reduce waste and promote gentle cleansing through natural soaps and skincare. Live Well soaps are made in small batches in the UK and are created using the finest therapeutic grade essential oils, nut butter and botanicals.
Glycerine rich to lock in your skin’s moisture levels and beautifully wrapped, they are perfect for gifting or treating yourself to a little luxury.

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